
class recpack.scenarios.WeakGeneralization(frac_data_in: float = 0.8, validation: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None)

Predict (randomly) held-out interactions for all users, with remaining data used for training.

For each user their events I_u are distributed over the datasets as follows:


As an example, splitting following data with data_in_frac = 0.5, and validation = True:

item    0   1   2   3   4   5
Alice   X   X   X
Bob             X   X   X   X

would yield full_training_data:

item    0   1   2   3   4   5
Alice   X   X
Bob             X       X


item    0   1   2   3   4   5
Alice       X
Bob             X


item    0   1   2   3   4   5
Alice       X
Bob             X


item    0   1   2   3   4   5
Alice   X
Bob                     X


item    0   1   2   3   4   5
Alice   X   X
Bob             X       X


item    0   1   2   3   4   5
Alice           X
Bob                 X       X
  • frac_data_in (float, optional) – Fraction of interactions per user used for training. The interactions are randomly chosen. Defaults to 0.8.

  • validation (boolean, optional) – Assign a portion of the training dataset to validation data if True, else split without validation data into only a training and test dataset.

  • seed (int, optional) – The seed to use for the random components of the splitter. If None, a random seed will be used. Defaults to None



Splits data_m according to the scenario.



The full training dataset, which should be used for a final training after hyper parameter optimisation.


The test dataset.


Fold-in part of the test dataset


Held-out part of the test dataset


The validation dataset.


Fold-in part of the validation dataset


Held-out part of the validation dataset


The training data to be used during validation.

property full_training_data: recpack.matrix.interaction_matrix.InteractionMatrix

The full training dataset, which should be used for a final training after hyper parameter optimisation.


Interaction Matrix of training interactions.

Return type


split(data_m: recpack.matrix.interaction_matrix.InteractionMatrix) None

Splits data_m according to the scenario.

After splitting properties training_data, validation_data and test_data can be used to retrieve the splitted data.


data_m – Interaction matrix that should be split.

property test_data: Tuple[recpack.matrix.interaction_matrix.InteractionMatrix, recpack.matrix.interaction_matrix.InteractionMatrix]

The test dataset. Consist of a fold-in and hold-out set of interactions.

Data is processed such that both matrices contain the exact same users. Users that were present in only one of the matrices and not in the other are removed.


Test data matrices as InteractionMatrix in, InteractionMatrix out.

Return type

Tuple[InteractionMatrix, InteractionMatrix]

property test_data_in

Fold-in part of the test dataset

property test_data_out

Held-out part of the test dataset

property validation_data: Optional[Tuple[recpack.matrix.interaction_matrix.InteractionMatrix, recpack.matrix.interaction_matrix.InteractionMatrix]]

The validation dataset. Consist of a fold-in and hold-out set of interactions.

Data is processed such that both matrices contain the exact same users. Users that were present in only one of the matrices and not in the other are removed.


Validation data matrices as InteractionMatrix in, InteractionMatrix out.

Return type

Tuple[InteractionMatrix, InteractionMatrix]

property validation_data_in

Fold-in part of the validation dataset

property validation_data_out

Held-out part of the validation dataset

property validation_training_data: recpack.matrix.interaction_matrix.InteractionMatrix

The training data to be used during validation.