
Pipelines for easy running of experiments.

PipelineBuilder([folder_name, base_path])

Builder to facilitate construction of pipelines.

Pipeline(results_directory, ...)

Performs hyperparameter optimisation, training, prediction and evaluation.


Registry for easy retrieval of algorithm types by name.


Registry for easy retrieval of metric types by name.

In order to simplify running an experiment, the pipelines module contains a pipeline which makes sure the necessary steps are performed in the right order. To define a pipeline, you should use the PipelineBuilder class, which makes it possible to construct the pipeline with a few intuitive functions.

An example of usage is:

import recpack.pipelines

# Construct pipeline_builder and add data.
# Assumes a scenario has been created and split before.
pipeline_builder = recpack.pipelines.PipelineBuilder('demo')

# We'll have the pipeline optimise the K parameter from the given values.
pipeline_builder.add_algorithm('ItemKNN', params={'K': 100})

# Add NDCG and Recall to be evaluated at 10, 20, 50 and 100
pipeline_builder.add_metric('NDCGK', [10, 20, 50, 100])
pipeline_builder.add_metric('RecallK', [10, 20, 50, 100])

# Construct pipeline
pipeline =

# Run pipeline, will first do optimisation, and then evaluation

# Get the metric results.
# This will be a dict with the results of the run.
# Turning it into a dataframe makes reading easier

If you want to use the pipelines with your own algorithms or metrics, you should register them using the ALGORITHM_REGISTRY and METRIC_REGISTRY respectively. For info on the functions see registries.AlgorithmRegistry and registries.MetricRegistry.

Example to register an algorithm:

from recpack.pipelines import ALGORITHM_REGISTRY
from recpack.algorithms import ItemKNN

# Create a new algorithm, that is just a copy of ItemKNN
class NewAlgorithm(ItemKNN):

ALGORITHM_REGISTRY.register('NewAlgorithm', NewAlgorithm)

# Construct a NewAlgorithm object from the registry
algo = ALGORITHM_REGISTRY.get('NewAlgorithm')(K=20)

Example to register a metric:

from recpack.pipelines import METRIC_REGISTRY
from recpack.algorithms import Recall

# Define a new metric (that is just a copy of Recall)
class NewMetric(Recall):

METRIC_REGISTRY.register('NewMetric', NewMetric)

# Construct a NewMetric object with parameter K=20
algo = METRIC_REGISTRY.get('NewMetric')(K=20)

Optimising Hyperparameters

Hyperparameter optimisation is a fundamental part of a recommendation pipeline. You want to see which set of hyperparameters performs the best. When adding an algorithm to the pipeline_builder, you can specify optimisation info, which will tell RecPack to optimise the hyperparameters for that algorithm.

RecPack supports either an exhaustive gridsearch, or an optimised random search using a Tree of Parzen Estimator as implemented in the hyperopt library.

An example of using optimisation:

import recpack.pipelines

# Construct pipeline_builder and add data.
# Assumes a scenario has been created and split before.
pipeline_builder = recpack.pipelines.PipelineBuilder('demo')

# We'll have the pipeline optimise the K parameter from the given values.
pipeline_builder.add_algorithm('ItemKNN', grid={'K': [100, 200, 300]})
pipeline_builder.set_optimisation_metric('NDCGK', K=10)

# Add NDCG and Recall to be evaluated at 10, 20, 50 and 100
pipeline_builder.add_metric('NDCGK', [10, 20, 50, 100])
pipeline_builder.add_metric('RecallK', [10, 20, 50, 100])

# Construct pipeline
pipeline =

# Run pipeline, will first do optimisation, and then evaluation

# Get the optimisation metric values

# Get the metric results of the algorithm with optimised hyperparameters.


Base class for Optimisation Info.


Info for a grid search optimisation.

HyperoptInfo(space[, timeout, max_evals])

Information for hyperopt parameter optimisation