
class recpack.metrics.DCGK(K)

Computes the sum of gains of all items in a recommendation list.

Relevant items that are ranked higher in the Top-K recommendations have a higher gain.

The Discounted Cumulative Gain (DCG) is computed for every user as

\[\text{DiscountedCumulativeGain}(u) = \sum\limits_{i \in Top-K(u)} \frac{y^{true}_{u,i}}{\log_2 (\text{rank}(u,i) + 1)}\]

K (int) – Size of the recommendation list consisting of the Top-K item predictions.


calculate(y_true, y_pred)

Computes metric given true labels y_true and predicted scores y_pred.



The names of the columns in the results DataFrame.


Name of the metric.


Dimension of the item-space in both y_true and y_pred


Dimension of the user-space in both y_true and y_pred after elimination of users without interactions in y_true.


Get the detailed results for this metric.


Global metric value obtained by taking the average over all users.

calculate(y_true: scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix, y_pred: scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix) None

Computes metric given true labels y_true and predicted scores y_pred. Only Top-K recommendations are considered.

Detailed metric results can be retrieved with results. Global aggregate metric value is retrieved as value.

  • y_true (csr_matrix) – True user-item interactions.

  • y_pred (csr_matrix) – Predicted affinity of users for items.

property col_names

The names of the columns in the results DataFrame.

property name

Name of the metric.

property num_items: int

Dimension of the item-space in both y_true and y_pred

property num_users: int

Dimension of the user-space in both y_true and y_pred after elimination of users without interactions in y_true.

property results

Get the detailed results for this metric.

Contains an entry for every user.


The results DataFrame with columns: user_id, score

Return type


property value

Global metric value obtained by taking the average over all users.