
class recpack.datasets.Netflix(path: str = 'data', filename: Optional[str] = None, use_default_filters=True)

Handles the Netflix Prize dataset.

All information on the dataset can be found at The separate files are processed into a consolidated csv file.

Default processing follows the preprocessing of MultVAE (‘Variational Autoencoders for Collaborative Filtering’, D. Liang et al. @ KDD2018), and makes sure that:

  • Only ratings 4 or higher are considered as positive

  • Each remaining user has interacted with at least 5 items

  • path (str, optional) – The path to the data directory. Defaults to data

  • filename (str, optional) – Name of the csv ratings file. If None, the DEFAULT_FILENAME will be used.

  • use_default_filters (bool, optional) – Should a default set of filters be initialised? Defaults to True


add_filter(_filter[, index])

Add a filter to be applied when loading the data.


Check if dataset is present, if not download


Loads data into an InteractionMatrix object.



URL to fetch the dataset from.


Default filename that will be used if it is not specified by the user.


Name of the column in the DataFrame that contains item identifiers.


Name of the column in the DataFrame that contains the rating.


Name of the column in the DataFrame that contains time of interaction in seconds since epoch.


Name of the column in the DataFrame that contains user identifiers.


The fully classified path to the file from which dataset will be loaded.


URL to fetch the dataset from.

DEFAULT_FILENAME = 'netflix.csv'

Default filename that will be used if it is not specified by the user.

ITEM_IX = 'item_id'

Name of the column in the DataFrame that contains item identifiers.

RATING_IX = 'rating'

Name of the column in the DataFrame that contains the rating.

TIMESTAMP_IX = 'timestamp'

Name of the column in the DataFrame that contains time of interaction in seconds since epoch.

USER_IX = 'user_id'

Name of the column in the DataFrame that contains user identifiers.

add_filter(_filter: recpack.preprocessing.filters.Filter, index=None)

Add a filter to be applied when loading the data.

If the index is specified, the filter is inserted at the specified index. Otherwise it is appended.

  • _filter (Filter) – Filter to be applied to the loaded DataFrame processing to interaction matrix.

  • index (int) – The index to insert the filter at, None will append the filter. Defaults to None


Check if dataset is present, if not download


force (bool, optional) – If True, dataset will be downloaded, even if the file already exists. Defaults to False.

property file_path

The fully classified path to the file from which dataset will be loaded.

load() recpack.matrix.interaction_matrix.InteractionMatrix

Loads data into an InteractionMatrix object.

Data is loaded into a DataFrame using the _load_dataframe function. Resulting DataFrame is parsed into an InteractionMatrix object. During parsing the filters are applied in order.


The resulting InteractionMatrix

Return type
