
class recpack.algorithms.ItemSimilarityMatrixAlgorithm

Base algorithm for algorithms that fit an item to item similarity model

Model that encodes the similarity between items is expected under the similarity_matrix_ attribute.

This matrix should have shape (|items| x |items|). This can be dense or sparse matrix depending on the algorithm used.

Predictions are made by computing the dot product of the history vector of a user and the similarity matrix.

Usually a new algorithm will have to implement just the _fit() method, to construct the self.similarity_matrix_ attribute.



Helper function to check if model was correctly fitted


Predict scores for nonzero users in X



Name of the object.


Name of the object's class.


Helper function to check if model was correctly fitted

Checks implemented:

  • Checks if the algorithm has been fitted, using sklearn’s check_is_fitted

  • Checks if the fitted similarity matrix contains similar items for each item

For failing checks a warning is printed.

_predict(X: scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix) scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix

Predict scores for nonzero users in X

Scores are computed by matrix multiplication of X with the stored similarity matrix.


X (csr_matrix) – csr_matrix with interactions


csr_matrix with scores

Return type
